Saturday 31 March 2012

Cupcakes & Flowers

And here are the spring-sunshine selection


Sunflower Lemon
Black flower Lemon & Poppy Seeds
Gerbera Orange
Charming Cherry

Monday 26 March 2012

Terra-cotta Chilli Plant Cake

I was recently invited to a flat-warming party and the theme was sweet and simply a dessert party. My informant advised the host enjoys reading and takes pleasure in having a few house plants potted around.

So as ‘just desserts’ was the theme, I thought of a crafty inspiration which would be right up my alley. I have always fancied making a terra-cotta / ‘baked earth’ cake. I was able to turn this fancy into a reality by trying my hands at cake pottery. Whilst doing a quick research on terra-cotta pots, I was surprised to find there were other colours available other than brick-red, so I settled on a contemporary brown terra-cotta rim pot. I also wanted the coarse texture of the terra-cotta to show through (and I hope it does).

To add spice of life, I settled on a dwarf chilli plant, typically, Prairie Fire Chilli, from the nightshade family (Solanaceae). I actually found that chilli also had many different colours, including violet, so I wanted to incorporate such beautiful colours into my design.

The cake disguised as the terra-cotta, was lemon flavoured. This was the final result;

Hopefully in the future I'll have the opportunity to make a terra-cotta 'pot of gold' cake :)

Saturday 17 March 2012

Kente Cake- Mother's Day

I thought long and hard about what cake design would best reflect this Mothering Sunday. I deeply wanted something unique and I sought for inspiration and colours which would personify 'Mum'.
When I went to Ghana last year, my lovely and dearest grandma aka ol' lady, gave me Kente cloth. Kenta is the most valuable Ghanaian cloth made using a mixture of silk and cotton, which is interwoven to create beautiful patterned-fabric. This is the principle cloth worn by the Ashanti King, see link

The colours of course do have their symbolic meaning and that's how I developed the 'Kente Cake'.

These are my favourite Kente colours;

Maroon – colour of mother earth, healing
Yellow/ gold – wealth, fertility
Blue – love and harmony
Green – growth
Black – maturity
White – joy, serenity

So, this is to all mothers out there, especially those who've become mothers for the first time this year. Enjoy the adventures of motherhood - I'll join you someday.

So mothers, as well as a cloth-inspired cake I'm spoiling you rotten with a present with a bow on it.

Friday 9 March 2012

Names, Names and... eureka!!

I actually thought choosing the ‘right’ name for my business would be easy-peasy. But, I was soon introduced to the world of business naming! I found myself turning to friends and family for ideas. A few ideas were suggested, some frustratingly comical (and branching on offensive); Priscilla’s Buns, Priscilla Cake-a-nator!

Ultimately, I wanted to create the right impression with the name. Thankfully, I have a unique first name (thank you Mum & Dad) with the exception of Priscilla Queen of the Desert (‘Priscilla Queen of the Desserts’ was also a business name that was suggested) & Priscilla Presley, the name is relatively unfamiliar.

I set myself a deadline to finalise the business name and after weeks of cold sleepless nights (kidding), we settled on;

Beautiful Cakes

And I hope the clients will appreciate and enjoy the name as much as I love saying it!

So with that sorted we made a few LOGO sketches and finally settled on this delectable supreme…

Sweet regards J

Wednesday 7 March 2012

The one other thing I love about offering cakes as presents is that I can ensure it will be unique, with the person in mind.

Anyway, I made this simple (and I would hope elegant) Ivory birthday cake for a lovely friend (also one of the nicest people I know!). I used the ridged cone & mini ball modelling tool as aid for the flowers. After a few hours, the cake was covered with Ivory flowers and piped designs using nozzles 3, 4 & 61.

UnfortunatelyI didn’t have my camera in hand at that time, so used the phone camera.
Hope it’s clear enough.

This design will be adapted for a 3-tier fleur wedding cake I've been asked to create later on in the year. I hope to add the wedding cake sketch closer to the date! Very excited :)

Monday 5 March 2012

Blue Baby Bear Cake

For this cake, I used the idea of patterned fabrics i.e. quilted fabrics, cotton sheets. I sought to convey the sentiment that after birth, babies are wrapped in cotton wool, kept safe & warm.
And of course every baby needs a teddy :)

Thursday 1 March 2012

Race Car Cake

After baking christmas, birthday cakes etc (as gifts) for friends and family, through word of mouth I got my first commissioned cake; to make a cake for a 2 year old boy, I did have a few weeks to prepare ideas. I orignally thought of making a cake with a blue ribbon at the base and a large rainbow going across the top of the cake, but I was later informed he loves cars! So I created this race car set for him. (unfortunately the picture quality isn't great)

The cake was much bigger than the family expected, with a total serving of 50-55. I did get carried away I guess.
It was a pleasure to hear that the family loved the whole cake & design so much so that they couldn't cut into it. But of course they did and loved it :)
That was a great feeling!

I received some (much better quality) pictures from the 2-year old's mum. Thought I'd share a few;

Quick Start- cupcakes

I have been baking since I was about 11 years old. I realised how relaxing it can be! And of course fresh, home-made cakes are simply yummy!

I have developed my skills from simply baking, to creating designs and decorating. I try to be unique, simple and artistic. After all, simplicity is best.
Hope you enjoy my blog, as much as I will writing it. Hope the blog gives you ideas for your own home cake designs.

sweet regards