Monday 26 March 2012

Terra-cotta Chilli Plant Cake

I was recently invited to a flat-warming party and the theme was sweet and simply a dessert party. My informant advised the host enjoys reading and takes pleasure in having a few house plants potted around.

So as ‘just desserts’ was the theme, I thought of a crafty inspiration which would be right up my alley. I have always fancied making a terra-cotta / ‘baked earth’ cake. I was able to turn this fancy into a reality by trying my hands at cake pottery. Whilst doing a quick research on terra-cotta pots, I was surprised to find there were other colours available other than brick-red, so I settled on a contemporary brown terra-cotta rim pot. I also wanted the coarse texture of the terra-cotta to show through (and I hope it does).

To add spice of life, I settled on a dwarf chilli plant, typically, Prairie Fire Chilli, from the nightshade family (Solanaceae). I actually found that chilli also had many different colours, including violet, so I wanted to incorporate such beautiful colours into my design.

The cake disguised as the terra-cotta, was lemon flavoured. This was the final result;

Hopefully in the future I'll have the opportunity to make a terra-cotta 'pot of gold' cake :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh my! This is fabulous. Well, there are a lot of talented people around. My cousin is baking a gorgeous cake for my son’s birthday. We are celebrating it in one of the Chicago event venues and I am looking for some nice themes for the day.
